
Remote Church Sain Jalan Christmas Party

Remote Church Sain Jalan Christmas Party
Remote Church Sein Jalan Christmas Party.

วันพุธที่ 27 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2559

Visiting Priest from Philippines 24th. January 2016

Sunday 24th. January 2016

These are the pictures of visiting priest from Philippines.

News today.

One of our church parishioner at Overbrook Hospital Chiangrai.

Name: Mr. Nicols.
Age   : 73
Nationality: Netherlands.
Reside : Ban doi, Chiangrai.
Accident: On Saturday, 23th January 2016 he was accident when on renovation one of his house in Ban Doi village. Accidentally falling down from 3 meters high and broken his left hand, waist and left foot. I received the message from his son at the following Sunday morning mass.
Our parish priest order me to visit to him at the hospital and learn about his accident. After that he left for meeting at Bangkok.
I want to the Overbrook hospital on Monday and have seen he was on bad 3470. He was able to communicate with him directly and understand he was in strong condition. Also I have seen his Thai wife with her family.
On my return trip I meet with our parishioner Mr. Dennis and his wife who was from New Zealand, I pass the message about Mr. Nicols accident. Understand he also visited to Mr. Nicols the same day.
Again I visited yesterday, Wednesday 27th January, he was completed his operation and doing exercise with medical care from the hospital. His condition look good position and I heard he may likely discharge from hospital on Sunday, 31st. January.

I pray for him speedy recovery soon from his recent injury.

The same I was inform to our Parish Priest for the details by phone.