Remote Church Sain Jalan Christmas Party
Remote Church Sein Jalan Christmas Party.
วันอังคารที่ 25 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554
Pray the Holy Rosary Part 1 & 2 < Joyful Mysteries >
Pray the Holy Rosary Part 1.
Joyful Mysteries
Pray the Holy Rosary Part 2.
Joyful Mysteries
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554
All Saints Day
All Saints Day ( In brief only )
All Saints Day Definition and SummaryAll Saints Day is when the Church commemorates all saints, known and unknown. The eve of All Saints is known as All Hallows Eve, or Halloween. All Saints Day is November 1. Prayers: All Saints Day PrayersBasic Facts About All Saints DayLiturgical Color(s): White Type of Holiday: Solemnity, Holy Day of Obligation (West); Feast (East) Time of Year: November 1 (in the East, the Sunday after Pentecost) Duration: One Day Celebrates/Symbolizes: All Saints, known and unknown Alternate Names: All Hallows, Hallowmas, Halloween Scriptural References: Mark 12:26-27; Ephesians 6:18; Hebrews 12:1, Revelation 5:8 IntroductionEvery day in the Church calendar has a saint day, but the Solemnity of All Saints is when the Church honors all saints, known and unknown. This is much like the American holidays Veterans Day and Presidents Day, where many people are honored on one day. While we have information about many saints, and we honor them on specific days, there are many unknown or unsung saints, who may have been forgotten, or never been specifically honored. On All Saints Day, we celebrate these saints of the Lord, and ask for their prayers and intercessions. The whole concept of All Saints Day is tied in with the concept of the Communion of Saints. This is the belief that all of God's people, on heaven, earth, and in the state of purification (called Purgatory in the West), are connected in a communion. In other words, Catholic and Orthodox Christians believe that the saints of God are just as alive as you and I, and are constantly interceding on our behalf. Remember, our connection with the saints in heaven is one grounded in a tight-knit communion. The saints are not divine, nor omnipresent or omniscient. However, because of our common communion with and through Jesus Christ, our prayers are joined with the heavenly community of Christians. St. Cyril of Jerusalem (AD 350) testifies to this belief:We mention those who have fallen asleep: first the patriarchs, prophets, apostles, and martyrs, that through their prayers and supplications God would receive our petition..( Catechetical Lecture 23:9). The Catholic Catechism concisely describes this communion among believers, by which we are connected to Christ, and thus to one another: "Being more closely united to Christ, those who dwell in heaven fix the whole Church more firmly in holiness...They do not cease to intercede with the Father for us...So by their fraternal concern is our weakness greatly helped."There are thousands of canonized saints, that is those individuals officially recognized by the Church as holy men and women worthy of imitation. Because miracles have been associated with these people, and their lives have been fully examined and found holy by the Church, we can be assured they are prime examples of holiness, and powerful intercessors before God on our behalf. There are also many patron saints, guardians or protectors of different areas and states of life. For instance, St. Vitus is the patron saint against oversleeping, and St. Joseph of Cupertino is the patron saint of air travelers. It may sound crazy to have a patron saint against oversleeping, but keep in mind the Church has something meaningful for every area of our human lives. All of these saints are celebrated throughout the year, as many have their own feast days (for instance, St. Hilary of Poitiers, whose feast day is celebrated January 13). ( For more details please open : ) |
News - ข่าว
29 ต.ค.54 พัฒนาสุสาน ( Cleaning of the our Catholic Cemeteries
begins on Saturday, October 29, 2011. )
6 พ.ย.54 เสกสุสาน
(( Originally all Saints Day, a holy day of obligation, falls on Tuesday, November 1, 2011. but our church will do the same on Sunday 6th November 2011 ))
Church Vocabulary
Vocabulary : Church is the list of words denoting Church.
This list Vocabulary : Church will improve your word-power.
Take down the words which you find for the first time.
• Diocese…The district under the jurisdiction of a bishop
• Cathedral…The principal church in the diocese
• Aisle…The passage between the pews in a church
• Sexton…One who has the charge of church building
• Verger…One who leads people to their seats in a church
• Offertory…The money given by the congregation at the church service
• Crypt…A chapel or vault beneath a church usually used for the burial of the dead
• Encyclical…A letter from the Pope to all Roman catholic
• Vestry…A room attached to the church in which vestments are kept
• Vestry…A room attached to the church in which the church officials are meeting
• Presbytery…The residence of a priest or minister or vicar
• Manse… The residence of a priest or minister or vicar
• Vicarage… The residence of a priest or minister or vicar
• Rectory… The residence of a priest or minister or vicar
• Chorister…One who sings in the choir
• Lectern…A reading desk from which the scriptures are read
• Pulpit…The stand from which the preachers delivers his sermon
• Crosier…A bishop’s staff
• Mitre…A bishop’s cap
• Vestments…The garments of parsons and choristers
• Cassock…A long loose gown worn by priests and choristers
• Surplice…A loose white vestment worn over cassock
• Rochet…A vestment like a surplice worn by bishops
• Cope…A cloak like vestment worn by priests at processions or solemn ceremonies
• Chalice…The cup used in the Eucharist
• Celebrant…The priest officiating at the Holy Communion
• Canopy…A rich covering carried over a priest in procession
• Clergy…The body of ministers ordained to work in a church
• Laity…The people as distinct from the clergy
• Synod…A council of clergymen
• Font…The vessel or basin containing water for baptism
• Dean…The head of a cathedral
• Archdeacon…A clergy man next in the rank after the bishop
• Deacon…One in the lowest degree of holy orders in the Anglican Church
• Halo…The circle of light seen in the pictures around the head of Jesus Christ and other holy people
• Aureole… The circle of light seen in the pictures around the head of Jesus Christ and other holy people
• Chaplain…A clergymen assigned to a regiment, a warship, prison or a public institution
• Missionary…One who goes to the heathen countries to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ
• Matins…Morning service of the Anglican Church
• Vespers…Evening service
• Evensong… Evening service
• Atheist…One who does not believe in the existence of God
• Agnostic…One who believes that man can not have knowledge of God but only of natural elements
• Apostate…One who renounces his religious vows and forsakes his religious principles
• Proselyte…One who is converted from one religion to another
• Monotheist…One who believes in a single God
• Polytheist…One who believes in many Gods
• Bigot…One intolerantly devoted to a particular creed
• Blaspheme…To utter profane language against God or anything Holy
• Heresy…Holding opinion contrary to the true doctrine of the church so as to cause a division
• Sacrilege…Violating or profaning religious things
• Iconoclast…A breaker of church images or ornaments
• Nave…The central or the main part of a church
• Chancel…the eastern end of a church
• Chapel…A portion of a large building with an altar of its own where services can be held for a small number of people
• Acolyte…One who assists at services by lighting candles
• Censer…A vessel for burning incense
• Stipend…The salary of a clergyman
• Instinction…Method of administering Holy Communion by dipping the bread into the wine and offering both at once
• Glebe…the land furnishing part of the church revenue
Vocabulary-Church is the list of words denoting Church.
This list 'Vocabulary-Church' will improve your word-power.
Take down the words which you find for the first time.
Credit :::
This list Vocabulary : Church will improve your word-power.
Take down the words which you find for the first time.
• Diocese…The district under the jurisdiction of a bishop
• Cathedral…The principal church in the diocese
• Aisle…The passage between the pews in a church
• Sexton…One who has the charge of church building
• Verger…One who leads people to their seats in a church
• Offertory…The money given by the congregation at the church service
• Crypt…A chapel or vault beneath a church usually used for the burial of the dead
• Encyclical…A letter from the Pope to all Roman catholic
• Vestry…A room attached to the church in which vestments are kept
• Vestry…A room attached to the church in which the church officials are meeting
• Presbytery…The residence of a priest or minister or vicar
• Manse… The residence of a priest or minister or vicar
• Vicarage… The residence of a priest or minister or vicar
• Rectory… The residence of a priest or minister or vicar
• Chorister…One who sings in the choir
• Lectern…A reading desk from which the scriptures are read
• Pulpit…The stand from which the preachers delivers his sermon
• Crosier…A bishop’s staff
• Mitre…A bishop’s cap
• Vestments…The garments of parsons and choristers
• Cassock…A long loose gown worn by priests and choristers
• Surplice…A loose white vestment worn over cassock
• Rochet…A vestment like a surplice worn by bishops
• Cope…A cloak like vestment worn by priests at processions or solemn ceremonies
• Chalice…The cup used in the Eucharist
• Celebrant…The priest officiating at the Holy Communion
• Canopy…A rich covering carried over a priest in procession
• Clergy…The body of ministers ordained to work in a church
• Laity…The people as distinct from the clergy
• Synod…A council of clergymen
• Font…The vessel or basin containing water for baptism
• Dean…The head of a cathedral
• Archdeacon…A clergy man next in the rank after the bishop
• Deacon…One in the lowest degree of holy orders in the Anglican Church
• Halo…The circle of light seen in the pictures around the head of Jesus Christ and other holy people
• Aureole… The circle of light seen in the pictures around the head of Jesus Christ and other holy people
• Chaplain…A clergymen assigned to a regiment, a warship, prison or a public institution
• Missionary…One who goes to the heathen countries to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ
• Matins…Morning service of the Anglican Church
• Vespers…Evening service
• Evensong… Evening service
• Atheist…One who does not believe in the existence of God
• Agnostic…One who believes that man can not have knowledge of God but only of natural elements
• Apostate…One who renounces his religious vows and forsakes his religious principles
• Proselyte…One who is converted from one religion to another
• Monotheist…One who believes in a single God
• Polytheist…One who believes in many Gods
• Bigot…One intolerantly devoted to a particular creed
• Blaspheme…To utter profane language against God or anything Holy
• Heresy…Holding opinion contrary to the true doctrine of the church so as to cause a division
• Sacrilege…Violating or profaning religious things
• Iconoclast…A breaker of church images or ornaments
• Nave…The central or the main part of a church
• Chancel…the eastern end of a church
• Chapel…A portion of a large building with an altar of its own where services can be held for a small number of people
• Acolyte…One who assists at services by lighting candles
• Censer…A vessel for burning incense
• Stipend…The salary of a clergyman
• Instinction…Method of administering Holy Communion by dipping the bread into the wine and offering both at once
• Glebe…the land furnishing part of the church revenue
Vocabulary-Church is the list of words denoting Church.
This list 'Vocabulary-Church' will improve your word-power.
Take down the words which you find for the first time.
Credit :::
During the school holidays 2554, our church seminarians helping Sunday Mass .
After Mass together with our church priest.
The two seminarian brothers with father and mother.
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