Vocabulary : Church is the list of words denoting Church.
This list Vocabulary : Church will improve your word-power.
Take down the words which you find for the first time.
• Diocese…The district under the jurisdiction of a bishop
• Cathedral…The principal church in the diocese
• Aisle…The passage between the pews in a church
• Sexton…One who has the charge of church building
• Verger…One who leads people to their seats in a church
• Offertory…The money given by the congregation at the church service
• Crypt…A chapel or vault beneath a church usually used for the burial of the dead
• Encyclical…A letter from the Pope to all Roman catholic
• Vestry…A room attached to the church in which vestments are kept
• Vestry…A room attached to the church in which the church officials are meeting
• Presbytery…The residence of a priest or minister or vicar
• Manse… The residence of a priest or minister or vicar
• Vicarage… The residence of a priest or minister or vicar
• Rectory… The residence of a priest or minister or vicar
• Chorister…One who sings in the choir
• Lectern…A reading desk from which the scriptures are read
• Pulpit…The stand from which the preachers delivers his sermon
• Crosier…A bishop’s staff
• Mitre…A bishop’s cap
• Vestments…The garments of parsons and choristers
• Cassock…A long loose gown worn by priests and choristers
• Surplice…A loose white vestment worn over cassock
• Rochet…A vestment like a surplice worn by bishops
• Cope…A cloak like vestment worn by priests at processions or solemn ceremonies
• Chalice…The cup used in the Eucharist
• Celebrant…The priest officiating at the Holy Communion
• Canopy…A rich covering carried over a priest in procession
• Clergy…The body of ministers ordained to work in a church
• Laity…The people as distinct from the clergy
• Synod…A council of clergymen
• Font…The vessel or basin containing water for baptism
• Dean…The head of a cathedral
• Archdeacon…A clergy man next in the rank after the bishop
• Deacon…One in the lowest degree of holy orders in the Anglican Church
• Halo…The circle of light seen in the pictures around the head of Jesus Christ and other holy people
• Aureole… The circle of light seen in the pictures around the head of Jesus Christ and other holy people
• Chaplain…A clergymen assigned to a regiment, a warship, prison or a public institution
• Missionary…One who goes to the heathen countries to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ
• Matins…Morning service of the Anglican Church
• Vespers…Evening service
• Evensong… Evening service
• Atheist…One who does not believe in the existence of God
• Agnostic…One who believes that man can not have knowledge of God but only of natural elements
• Apostate…One who renounces his religious vows and forsakes his religious principles
• Proselyte…One who is converted from one religion to another
• Monotheist…One who believes in a single God
• Polytheist…One who believes in many Gods
• Bigot…One intolerantly devoted to a particular creed
• Blaspheme…To utter profane language against God or anything Holy
• Heresy…Holding opinion contrary to the true doctrine of the church so as to cause a division
• Sacrilege…Violating or profaning religious things
• Iconoclast…A breaker of church images or ornaments
• Nave…The central or the main part of a church
• Chancel…the eastern end of a church
• Chapel…A portion of a large building with an altar of its own where services can be held for a small number of people
• Acolyte…One who assists at services by lighting candles
• Censer…A vessel for burning incense
• Stipend…The salary of a clergyman
• Instinction…Method of administering Holy Communion by dipping the bread into the wine and offering both at once
• Glebe…the land furnishing part of the church revenue
Vocabulary-Church is the list of words denoting Church.
This list 'Vocabulary-Church' will improve your word-power.
Take down the words which you find for the first time.
Credit ::: http://www.english-for-students.com/Vocabulary-Church.html