
Remote Church Sain Jalan Christmas Party

Remote Church Sain Jalan Christmas Party
Remote Church Sein Jalan Christmas Party.

วันพุธที่ 23 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2562

Pope Francs at WYD Panama latest News 24/01/2019

WYD Panama: Pope 

Francis arrives and 

World Youth Day begins

For thousands of young people, the arrival of
Pope Francis in Panama on Wednesday afternoon
marks the true beginning of the 34th World Youth Day.
By Seán-Patrick Lovett
There were those who had waited at the airport all day.
And it was hot (33°C not counting the horrendous humidity).
There were those who had practiced their dance routines for
months. And they added elegance and energy to the event.
There were those who had created costumes and national
dresses for the occasion. And they brought colour and
culture to this historical Panamanian afternoon.


The last time a Pope stepped off a plane from Rome onto
the soil of Panama was 36 years ago. It was March 5th 1983.
And the Pope was John Paul II.
The world was still dominated by the North American and
Soviet superpowers, and the Motorola Company had just
launched the first mobile phone, very different to the one
on which you are probably reading or listening to this report right now.


The flying time from Rome to Panama City is just under
13 hours. And there’s a 6-hour time difference.
So Pope Francis looked justifiably tired as he walked down
the steps of the Alitalia aircraft and greeted Panamanian P
resident Juan Carlos Varela Rodríguez and the First Lady.
With head bowed he listened attentively to the national
anthems of the Holy See and Panama, respectively, and
shook hands with the authorities present.
Then, just as the security detail was dutifully ushering him
into the waiting car, the Pope turned and waded into the
crowd that had been trying frantically to grab his attention
in every way possible.
That’s when his demeanour changed dramatically. At the
sight of the smiling, flushed and excited faces (not to mention
the beautiful babies thrust at him from every direction),
Pope Francis became suddenly animated. It was as though
he had just woken up. Every sign of fatigue disappeared as
he waved, hugged, blessed and beamed with obvious delight.


On Thursday, the papal programme begins in earnest. His
first appointment of the day is at the Presidential Palace
where he pays a courtesy visit on the President and meets
local Authorities and members of the Diplomatic Corps. He
will also have an important encounter with the Bishops of 
Central America before lunch.
But the highlight of the day, at least as far as the young
people are concerned, is the opening ceremony for the
World Youth Day at the Campo Santa Maria di Antigua on
the Coastal Belt. But more about that…tomorrow

