Thailand. Chiangrai Diocese was newly established Diocese and during the period of Chiang Mai Diocese there we have on Catholic School in Chiangrai, it was Santivithaya High School, and open for Kindergarten to Matayom 6 ( Grade 9 ) . There they teach according to MOU Thailand curriculum and adding STEM ( To meet the student with New style of teaching in advance in every levels). They been carry out OPEN HOUSE day on Wednesday 4th December 2019. Many of the school owner, directors and local authority with educational officers are present at the day.
Pictures: credit to ::
Friday 6th December 2019.
Again today Chiangrai Diocese bishop with local churches priest, sisters and lay person are attending to the school for SPECIAL MASS with students and teachers tp be honor 50 years of school established. My school owner family are the strong catholic and their kind permission I can join the SPECIAL MASS and taken the following pictures.
These pictures are remarkable for the church / diocese story forever. On the other hand the world catholic can view 0.5 % of Thai population up dated are catholic and still keeping and following the Jesus teaching when on alive.
